
Prayer to Hekate

Hekate drum, rights owned by the author.
Hekate drum, rights owned by the author.

No useless words: there’s too much of that going around.


We are at the center of a crossroads, suspended in a liminal space between the world that has been and the one that will come.

We all feel the uncertainty, we all feel the disquiet, the fear and the temptation to hide behind illusions or an easy scapegoat is very strong.
It’s a time of great pain, but of great opportunities as well, and the pains of this birth will go on for quite a while.


Let’s try to be gentle.

Let’s try to hear without turning the other way.

Let’s try to receive the pain of others without smothering it by answering that “Everything will be all right”.

Let’s try to be present in this transformation, to explore the darkness while keeping the light that shows the path in our sights.

Great Hekate, Goddess of the Threshold,

hear my words.


Lady of the light and of the darkness that contains it,

holding torches and showing the path,

hope to the lost ones,

Phosphoros! Hear my words.

Make the hidden path visible,

keep the light burning in the darkness of chaos.


Queen of the dead, leading the nocturnal court,

solace to the forsaken ones,

guide of the  voiceless,

Anassa Eneroi! Hear my words.

Welcome those that perished alone,

leaving every hope behind them.


Great Hekate, dog-headed one,

devouring fears and turning them into power,

raising the seas and shaking the earth with your fury,

Brimo! Hear my words.

Every tear shed for justice,

is fire on your altar!

Every shout of rage against oppression,

is a dagger in your hands!


Mistress of monstrous creatures,

mother of every terror and gate to the unknown,

welcoming Echidna's children in your Court,

Enodia! Hear my words.

Transform blind fear in a door to comprehension,

and open the eyes of those unwilling to see.


Hekate, Lady of the crossroads,

painting trails of fire across the worlds

and beyond Time.

Void giving birth to the stars,

midwife of every transformation,

Asteria! Hear my words.

Turn every pain into a step

towards a world of justice, equity and balance.


Key in every lock,

breach in every wall,

path in every forest,

Kleidouchos! Hear my words.

Open the roads to the change

that this world needs the most.


Immortal fire in the Cosmos,

Hidden light, joining heights to depths,

luminous one, seeing beyond the wave of Fate,

Soteira! Hear my words.

Give the blessing of compassion to those suffering unjustly,

remove illusions and lies.

Light a fire in the souls,

a desire of a better world.

Giulia Turolla, 6/1/2020